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Xbox 360 Ss Merger Free

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by sialavipop1970 2020. 2. 21. 13:56


Re: 'To play this disk please put it in an xbox 360 conjust my opinion but it my be because you used software not made for burning game isos. If i remeber right i first tried useing just any old dvd burning software and i got the same errors when i tries to play the games.i dont think dvd decrypor uses the same way of burning.it dosent set the layer breaks and what nots right its tring to burn a movie. A regular data file if you will. I would say if you used some more sepicalized program like xbox backup creator 2.8 then you would have no problems.

Also i have found that if a disk is burned right when you put it in a computer and it auto runs you will get the 'put this disk in a xbox360' video.if it dosent and it just opens a bunch of files instead then its not burned right. Anyway hope any of this helps. But i would get xbox backup creator its small,easy,free, and it does all the setting for you plus checks the image for ss,stelth,and pfi information before it burns none of the other burners do that they are manual its up to you to make sure you have the correct image. Re: 'To play this disk please put it in an xbox 360 conhe could also be getting that message because the disk was burned wrong in the first place it was burned as a dvd disk and there for when he places it i the xbox it plays it as a dvd and plays the movie file that says 'to play this disk put it in a xbox360' the same movie file that plays when you put a 360 disk in a computer. Because it reads the movie file and not the game information.

Xbox360 Ss Merger 1.5o Free Download

I have never heard of anyone useing dvd decrypor to burn 360 imagies how would you set the layer break and it dosent see.dvd files. So like i said he needs to use a program made for burning game images and not for making movie backups. I am not saying you are wrong I am just saying downloading xboxbackup creator and burning a proper copy of the game would be an easier way of finding out if thats the problem. Everytime you open your xbox and do reflashing you always run the risk of an error and at this point the xbox is working and simply buring a new copy with proper software i feel would be an easier way of troble shooting then if that dosent work try a reflash. Im just saying the less you open your xbox the better. And if i am right then he would have takin apart his xbox and reflashed it for nothing.

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Re: 'To play this disk please put it in an xbox 360 conok it seems you got a iso that was patched wrong or not at all(i didnt think it was the firmware lol),anyway here is what you do. Download abgx360 from the web(I cant link it here against the rules). Once you have the program open it and go to the 'auto fix' tab. In that window under the 'autofix threshold' set it to level 3. Then load the iso and run the program. It will check against a internet database and fix the iso. After that close the program and run xboxbackup creator again everything should check out right.

Then burn the iso with xboxbackupcreator using the xbc brun engine(its in the options) and everything should be fine. Note if your tring to burn hawx then xbc will still give you a pfi error(even after being patched with abgx360) but its fine just click burn anyway. But all other isos should check fine. If abgx360 fails to fix it then you may have gotten yourself a bad iso and need to get another one. Let me know if any of this helps.